Thank You's

Thank You Note - Maxine Storment

Thank You Note - Maxine Storment

I am so very grateful for the many acts of kindness and love that Broadway has shown our family during this time of loss. Lloyd loved and cherished his association with this church and its congregation. Your visits, cards, prayers, and expressions of sympathy have been a source of comfort to us. Thank you for being so generous with your support and love.
With thanks and appreciation,
Maxine Storment

Thank You Note - Nightingale

Thank You Note - Nightingale

Dear Broadway Church Family, 

Thank you for your many expressions of sympathy since the death of our son, David, Jr. It may be that at times of great sorrow, even more than at times of great joy, it is a blessing to have a strong faith, and belong to a strong family of faith which enfolds you with its love. Thank you for the comfort given to us by your prayers, your warm friendships, and by our certainty of your steady and sure support. 

David and Patricia Nightingale 

All Saints Sunday - Reflection

All Saints Sunday - Reflection

by Heidi Hilliard
This year, Frank and I felt intimidated by the all siants service as we had never participated so directly. Our family has had much sadness this year with the death of Drew and my mother within a month of each other.  My Mother’s brother also passed away two weeks after Drew. There are many families of Broadway who have had to deal with sadness this year. We actually were going out of town that weekend to visit Jonathan and Beth. When we realized we would be gone for All Saints Sunday we decided to return early. We felt we should be the ones to light the candles for Mom and Drew.  My sister, my niece, and Jacque attended so we could pay tribute to those we loved in person. We were so touched by the music and the arrangement of  “Clare du Lune” by Mark Benz on the piano. That music was one of Drew’s favorites. It was a lovely service and we made the right decision to return home.

Thank You Note - Cannan Hyde

Thank You Note - Cannan Hyde

Dear Broadway Family,

What a meaningful  farewell blessing you gave to our mother, Helen Graves, when she was there for her last service with you. Mother gets confused now and when family members called her that Sunday afternoon she told them you had missed her so much that you had a big welcome home for her at the end of the service! We didn’t even correct her because we thought that was very significant. Even though she has moved away she will still carry the feeling that you have welcomed her back into your loving care. Broadway will always be her home church and we are thrilled that she interpreted your goodbye as a welcome home.

The Graves family will always be grateful to you for your faithfulness to mother in so many ways. The van ministry kept her able to attend Sunday School and church for several years. The women in her Sunday School Class were so attentive and inclusive of mother even as she began declining.The cards you sent were read to her often. I brought the big birthday poster to North Carolina so I could read her the names of all who signed it and she can tell me about who they are.  You really celebrated who mother is and she felt it deep in her heart.

Mother is very happy here in Black Mountain. Her new address is 514 S Oconeechee, Black Mountain, NC 28711. If any of you are passing through this way we would love to have you visit us.  Our phone number is 828.357.8307.  Please call just to chat with her or to let us know you can visit us. We want to stay in touch with you.  

With much appreciation, 
Cannan Hyde

Wednesday Night Dinner Helpers!

Wednesday Night Dinner Helpers!

From August to May, every Wednesday before others sit down to a delicious Wednesday Night Dinner, there are several volunteers that come early and help with the set-up.  This team of volunteers help one Wednesday night of the month with some faithfully working for years now. There are definitely advantages to being a Kitchen Team volunteer.  First, you get your choice of dessert!  It's a great fellowship time and you get to smell the wonderful aromas in the kitchen before it's time to eat.  The work isn't hard.  We cut and plate desserts, make tea and fill glasses with ice.  We've got a few spots available for this coming school year so if you'd like to join our team, please contact Donna Williams at 502.774.0515.

Thank You Note - Mary Sue Howell

Thank You Note - Mary Sue Howell

To my Broadway friends,
I want to thank everyone for all your prayers, cards, flowers, food, and phone calls. It meant so much to me and  really lifted my spirits. I am grateful to have so much love and friendship. Some of it goes back more than 60 years. I am finally on the road to recovery after my fall 5-5-15. I will always treasure your kindness and concern. A special thank you to Carolyn, Carol, Susan, and Chris.

In loving service to God,
Mary Sue Howell

Thank You Note - Heidi and Frank Hilliard

Thank You Note - Heidi and Frank Hilliard

Dear Broadway Family,

Words cannot express the love we feel for all of you who journeyed with us for the past five years through Drew’s illness.  Your encouraging words, cards, and support meant so much to him and our family.  Thank you also to those who brought us food and sent flowers in the last few weeks.  Thank you for all who participated in his service whether in the choir, playing an instrument, or just being there to comfort us. We thank Dr. Caldwell and Dr. Higdon for having the right words to help us begin to heal from losing our oldest son.  We are so proud of Jonathan and Tim for being able to eulogize their brother, their best friend, with poise and dignity.  They have grown up in a church that has always encouraged and nurtured their faith in God.  We have a mighty hole in our hearts that might not ever heal, but we know we have a church family that will be there to help us along the way.

Heidi and Frank

Passport Recap

Passport Recap

Over the week of June 21, 20 youth and chaperones from Broadway traveled to Greensboro College in Greensboro, NC, to participate in Passport Choices 2015. Throughout the week, our youth learned about what it means to Flip our perspective, Stand up for those who need our support, Speak the truth with grace and love, and Act out of a place of faith in God. In addition, our group spent approximately 240 hours learning how our giftedness can be used to serve God, through working in a community garden, learning how better to serve and lead in worship, learning how we were created for activity and play, or learning life skills to more effectively thrive out in the "real world" after high school. As always, the youth served as model examples of what it means to be a group that has fun together, respects and supports each other, and treats others with respect. We are grateful for everyone who helped support the trip through your prayers and funds. We are also thankful for Erin McCoy, John Dotson, Chris Caldwell, and Emily Holladay for chaperoning the trip.

~Chris Liles

Thank You Note - Zimbabwe Fund

Thank You Note - Zimbabwe Fund

Dear Broadway Baptist Church,
Thank you for your recent contributions of $10,000.00 for the Zimbabwe Seminary fund. Your gift makes you a part of a diverse community of more than 3,000 individuals and 133 progressive congregations responding to the continuing call of God in a rapidly changing world with a commitment to ecumenism, partnership in missions, radical hospitality and social justice. 
Carole Collins

*This gift was given by our Missions Endowment Fund. 

VBS - Thank You Note

VBS - Thank You Note

Last week's Vacation Bible School was a meaningful experience and successful new adventure for our church. Throughout the week, children and their parents participated in missions activities together, learning about Broadway's different mission partners. These activities allowed the families to serve God together and take part in the church's overall goals for missions.

The parents also took part in an adult Bible Study throughout the week led by Jeff Sanders. The time together was enriching, while also providing space for the parents to get to know one another better.

Most importantly, the children learned more about some of the great characters of the Bible, and God, who calls them to love and serve their family, friends, neighbors, and communities. We hope to raise compassionate children at Broadway who love Jesus and want to follow his example. This year's Vacation Bible School helped to move us in that direction!

Thank you to everyone who helped with VBS, either through donating supplies or your time. The children and families had a wonderful week serving God together, and none of it would have been possible without your help and prayers.