The Veal Family

The youth ministry at Broadway has a special place in the life of our family. Through Passport Camps and Disciple Now the girls have been given the opportunity to work side by side with their friends in community outreach and to grow their faith through Bible study and social interaction. Through the youth ministry the girls have been able to put their faith into action and show other communities that there are those who care. It has helped to form the backbone of their future desire for community outreach. They value the friendships that they have made through their church activities.

They are also given the opportunity to serve in church. By contributing to worship through song, delivering Minutes for Ministry and Youth Sunday they are taught at a young age to be leaders in the church. They feel and know that they are an important part of the church body. These qualities and values are ones which we hope they will carry with them as they leave home and go to college. We feel that they are getting a strong foundation through the youth ministry, which reinforces the values we try to instill at home.