Spiritual Formation

Women’s Retreat Reflections:

Women’s Retreat Reflections:

By Kate Godwin
Time is one of those funny things I can never decide how to feel about. If I think about the past holistically, I think of times when I was overwhelmed with joy, but also times that I was overwhelmed with hurt and sorrow. In considering the present, I think of moments that I have been proud of exhibiting good character, but also of moments that I have been ashamed of for ignoring what I should do and instead choosing to take the easier and less Christ-like route. When I contemplate the possible avenues of my future, I am simultaneously excited for all of the positive prospects that it may hold and anxious about what I will do if everything falls apart. What we focused on at the Women’s Retreat, however, was that all of these ups and downs throughout our lives are used by God to shape us into something more than we can become on our own if only we allow God to redeem that time for us. As we were reminded, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” (Ecclesiastes 4:11)

I got a nice reminder of this just a week later, when I was driving home from Thanksgiving with my family in Georgia. As much as I re-routed to continuously avoid the inevitable slow-downs, I finally hit a 10-mile stretch of traffic that there was no way to avoid by the time I found it. As I slowed to a halt and sat in my idling car, I looked at a map of the traffic on my phone and saw that it would cause an estimated 1 hour and 15 minute delay to my total trip time (which did unfortunately end up being accurate). I also noticed that at the very exit I had just stopped for gas, there was a road that paralleled the highway that I could have taken. When I looked to the right off the highway, I could even see that very road. It was completely empty. Naturally, I was immediately frustrated and started grumbling to myself when all of a sudden, I realized what I was doing – hindering myself from finding God in the present moment. I was reminded of the story we heard about finding joy in all circumstances and praising God for whatever it is you do have.

I started doing exactly this. I first thanked God that it was not me that was in the wreck that was causing this delay, and that instead, I had had a safe trip thus far. I thanked Him for the fact that I had just refueled before hitting this traffic, for there being no specific time I had to arrive home, for my not having young children in the car to entertain or find a bathroom for, as I’m sure many of these drivers were having to deal with. The more I thanked Him for everything that was happening in that moment, the more peaceful and joyful I felt, despite the frustration of crawling along at 4-10 miles per hour. I then noticed that I was at a point on the map where the road that I could have taken veered off to the right a bit and should no longer be visible from the highway. I looked over at the road to see this turn, and my jaw dropped. Although there would have been no way of knowing it from simply looking at the map, the parallel road had turned to gravel at this point, and went up an extremely steep incline. There is no way my ’96 sedan would have been able to tackle that even if I had noticed this alternate route ahead of time and taken it instead. Although it wasn’t exactly a burning bush, it was still a nice reminder to me of how God can truly use any set of circumstances, including those which appear to simply be mundane and annoying, to remind you of His presence and to point you further in the direction of expressing the beauty in His creation.

So for all of the realizations from this retreat, I am thankful. I am thankful that I serve a God who can give life, meaning, and beauty to every point of my life. I am thankful that I have a church home that is full of others who share their experiences of how God does so in their lives. Most of all, though, I am thankful for the promise that He makes all things new and beautiful. Sometimes, we just need a little encouragement to notice that.


By Doris Claiborne
We just finished another wonderful, great, beautiful, very meaningful retreat.  Rhonda Abbott Blevins did a masterful job leading us through the many ways we find that all things REALLY are beautiful.  Rhonda’s theme was “All Things Beautiful.” She had us write poetry about our past, introduced us to chocolate as something beautiful, helped us see our lives through videos, and our meals weren’t too shabby either! I told the group that one of things I miss the most are “hugs.”  Hugs seem to disappear as we age and especially if we live alone. But the greatest thing has happened as a result of the Broadway Women’s Retreat.....I am getting lots of hugs! and they feel so gooood!  Rhonda is very correct.....All Things are Beautiful.

Angel and Missions Tree

Angel and Missions Tree

Angel Tree

The Angel Tree will be located in Friendship Hall beginning the last week of November. If you would like to provide Christmas presents for children and youth in our community, please take an angel from the tree. There will be wrapping instructions attached to your angel. All gifts need to be brought to the church by December 16. Questions?  Call Susan in the office at 502.895.2459.

*This year, the angels on our tree are from two of our signature mission partners: Choices Inc. (housing for women and children) and the Family Resource Center at Chenoweth Elementary. 

Christmas Missions Tree

Throughout Advent, the Mission Tree in the Atrium will collect items for Samaritan Patrol (volunteers who help people who are homeless in Louisville). Please donate warm socks, gloves, hats, coats, and batteries by placing them either on the tree or in the bin next to the tree. 

Christmas Stockings

In addition to gifts for children and families on the angel tree we will also have a time to put together Christmas Stockings.  We will gather items for the stockings beginning Sunday, November 29 and fill them on December 9 during the Adult Bible Study time in Friendship Hall (6:15 p.m.).  If you would like to provide items for the stockings, please see the information in the Atrium and Friendship Hall or contact Susan Reed in the church office. 

Special Guest Speakers

Special Guest Speakers

Wednesday, September 23
6 p.m. in Friendship Hall
Jon and Tanya Parks field personnel (formerly known as missionaries) with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship in Kosice, Slovakia. Come learn from Jon and Tanya as they share about working alongside English teachers at an all-Roma private school. They lead conversational English classes, facilitate an afterschool English club and look for ways to create additional learning opportunities for students.

Adult Small Groups Starting Back

Adult Small Groups Starting Back

Reel Spirituality

This group will meet on Sunday evenings (beginning September 20) at 5 p.m. in The Room with a Better View to watch movies and discuss faith elements and themes. If you would like to join the group, please contact Susan Reed in the church office at susanr@broadwaybaptist.org or 502.895.2459.

Thomas Merton: Life & Faith

Thomas Merton was a great spiritual leader, writer, and theologian throughout the20th century. If you would like to learn more about Merton’s life and his teachings, join this small group, led by Ron Newcomer, that will meet Sunday evenings from 5 – 6 p.m. beginning September 20 in the Lower Level Meeting Room. You can sign up by contacting Susan Reed at susanr@broadwaybaptist.org or 502.895.2459.

Summer Missions Challenge!

Summer Missions Challenge!

One of the great things about Broadway is how we care for one another and our community. Throughout the month of June, the missions committee would like to encourage everyone in the church to participate in a service project to share God’s love with someone.  You may choose to participate in a project with your Sunday school class, small group, or help with another need you know about.  Wherever you choose to serve, we would love to hear about it and celebrate how God’s love is being shared.

There will be a list of service opportunities in the Atrium, Foyer, and by the church office.  At the bottom of that list is an “offering of time” slip.  Please fill out the bottom slip, tear it off, and leave it in one of the baskets by the sanctuary doors after worship.      

Another way to celebrate how members of our church are being the hands and feet of Christ is through the Summer Missions Selfies bulletin board in the hallway outside of Friendship Hall. When you are working on your service project, take a picture.  You can email it to Susan Reed in the church office (susanr@broadwaybaptist.org), or print it out and hang it on one of those boards.  Let’s consider it a church-wide challenge to fill those boards with service pictures over the summer!

Service in September

Service in September

Service in September will be held Saturday, September 19 from 8:30 – Noon.  This is a church-wide time of service in our community to commemorate the tragedy of 9/11 with a positive spirit of serving those around us. Meet in Friendship Hall for breakfast at 8:30.  Service projects will be at various locations in the church and around Louisville from 9:00 – Noon. All ages and skill sets are welcome! We will have a variety of service projects available.

Extreme Build

Extreme Build

Each summer people from across the state join together with the Kentucky Baptist Fellowship to build a home in McCreary County Kentucky as a part of Extreme Build. Our own Sharon Davis coordinates the volunteers for the build. If you would like to participate any of the days of the build (June 8 – 12) please register at  http://www.eventbrite.com/e/extreme-build-2015-registration-15807539777 If you are unable to participate, please be in prayer for the volunteers and the Eldridge family for whom the house is being built.

Summer Sunday School Seminars

Summer Sunday School Seminars

Summer Sunday School Seminars June 7 – July 26 Throughout the summer, Sunday School Seminars will be offered for anyone who wishes to attend, beginning at 9:45 in Friendship Hall. This is a great opportunity to meet people from other classes, invite a friend, or get back into the habit of attending the Sunday school.  The dates and topics will be: 

June 7-21 - The Four Gospel Portraits of Jesus, led by Ron Higdon

June 28 – Interesting “Characters” of the Bible, led by Susan Reed

July 5-19 – Voices from the African American Church, led by Chris Caldwell

July 26 – Interesting “Characters” of the Bible (part 2), led by Susan Reed

Sermon Series Stories: Bob Johnson

Sermon Series Stories: Bob Johnson

What does faith have to say about life's final stage? About parenting? About being a young adult? How does faith help us deal with knowing we are drawing close to life's end? What is the role of a parent (or grandparent) in passing on faith to a child? What are the joys and challenges of faith for young adults?

The past Sundays we have been asking these questions in a series of sermons and stories.

Below is the story told by Bob Johnson. 

Sermon Series Stories: Lilly Davis

Sermon Series Stories: Lilly Davis

What does faith have to say about life's final stage? About parenting? About being a young adult? How does faith help us deal with knowing we are drawing close to life's end? What is the role of a parent (or grandparent) in passing on faith to a child? What are the joys and challenges of faith for young adults?

The past Sundays we have been asking these questions in a series of sermons and stories.

Below is the story told by Lilly Davis.  

Caring for your aging family and friends

Caring for your aging family and friends

Led by Leslie Townsend, this small group is based on the many aspects of care needed for loved ones in the later stages of life. We will have time to talk about financial, legal, and health care for our families members as well as a time of support for one another. The group will meet in the Lower Level Meeting Room on Sunday nights from 7:00 - 8:30 on April 19, 26, and May 3. If you would like to sign up, please contact Susan Reed in the church office or at susanr@broadwaybaptist.org.

Sermon Series

Sermon Series

What does faith have to say about life's final stage? About parenting? About being a young adult? How does faith help us deal with knowing we are drawing close to life's end? What is the role of a parent (or grandparent) in passing on faith to a child? What are the joys and challenges of faith for young adults?

The three Sundays after Easter we will be asking these questions in a series of sermons:
April 12: “Faith and Decisions Near the End of Life” — Chris Caldwell
April 19: “Faith and Raising Children” — Chris Caldwell
April 26: “Faith and Young Adulthood” — Susan Reed

LifeTimers: Living Life After 55

LifeTimers:  Living Life After 55

What better way to end our long winter and celebrate spring than to enjoy a delicious lunch out with friends.  Come join us as we have lunch on Friday, April 17, at The Café, 712 Brent Street. We will depart from Broadway at 11:30 a.m., and travel together. Transportation will be provided with lunch on your own.  A reservation is required by Tuesday, April 14, by calling the church office at 502.895.2459.

Reflections at the Cross

Reflections at the Cross

Each week during Lent we have focused on one of the crosses placed on the window sills within our sanctuary. During Holy Week, please feel free to come by the church during office hours to spend time in reflection and prayer at each of these crosses.  We encourage you to reflect on the guided prayer located at each window or even to take the cards home with you for the week.

LifeTimers - Living Life After Fifty

LifeTimers - Living Life After Fifty

Come join us on Friday, March 20, at 11:30 a.m. in Friendship Hall as we enjoy lunch and the movie, “One Hundred Foot Journey.”  This is a warm, humorous movie starring Helen Mirren about accepting other cultures.  Lunch is $6 but the movie is free.  Call church office at 895.2459 for a reservation by Tuesday, March 17. If you've never attended one of our lunches or programs, come give us a try.  You will enjoy the fellowship.