From the Deacon Chair

Dear Friends,

EASTER, Resurrection, Hope, Renewal, Promise. This time in our Christian life brings us hope and joy.  The renewal of life during springtime reminds us of those words from Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven." The life of our church during this time is approaching full bloom with the opportunities for spiritual growth, congregational fellowship and service. It is truly a time for living out our mission statement. It’s hard to believe that we’re at the end of the first quarter of 2018. I’ve been sharing with you the news from the Deacon body and hope you are finding my reports to be informative and helpful. The calendar of activities and events continue to be filled and there are countless activities where you can find a way to be plugged into the life of  our church.

Our effort to get our house in order is well underway.  The Audit and By-law committees have begun their work.  The Deacon building oversight committee has completed their work.  It has been reviewed and revised in collaboration with the facilities manager and church administrator and is currently under review by the ministerial staff. The plan will be presented to the Deacons at their April meeting for their consideration and approval. It will be shared with the congregation at our May business meeting. 

The Deacons approved a proposal to close the office at 12 p.m., on Fridays, effective April 1,  with the understanding that all ministers, office personnel, and volunteers provide feedback about this change to the Deacons at their monthly meeting for any adjustments or changes that may be needed.

The Deacon/Personnel Ad Hoc Committee, which is tasked to bring recommendations for staffing within the parameters of our budget,  has been meeting regularly. The committee has researched staffing models at other churches our size, reviewed carefully our current staffing model and the responsibilities with each position as it is currently being carried out. They have interviewed each minister, the administrator, and the facilities manager for input as to the tasks that fall within their purview. The committee met with the ministerial staff to review the giving analysis completed by the finance committee and asked for their input/ideas regarding staffing models. Finally, that committee will bring to the deacons at their April meeting several options for their consideration. It will further meet with committee chairs to share those staffing options with them. The congregation will be apprised of all considerations, recommendations, and decisions.

Our Women on Mission luncheon is April 14, and will prove, once again, that Broadway is blessed with talented and creative women.  The luncheon has been, and is, a wonderful and effective fundraiser for missions. The food, the entertainment, the fun, and laughter make for a delightful way for us to spend some time together and support our missions.

I share with you my wish that you make April 22 a “good hair day.” Yes, friends, you ought to be in pictures! Sunday school class pictures will be taken that day, and our pictures will once again grace the walls of the atrium. They will offer visitors and our new pastor a way to get to know us and find a Sunday school class that’s just right for them. If that date is not a good day for your class, please contact Susan Reed or Robin Riddle to schedule an alternate photo op time.

Please mark your calendars for two very important Sunday luncheons and information/discussion sessions. On April 22, the Finance Committee will be presenting an information sharing program, Broadway Finance 101 and Stewardship. A five year giving analysis will be shared with the congregation at this time.  It will be a great way for us to understand how valuable our commitment to stewardship really is.

The second luncheon is April 29, and offers us a time for dialoguing about the publication we will receive in early April from Dr. Higdon entitled, “Getting Ready for a New Pastor and New Future."

We have not had an outdoor church event since 2012. The Outreach Committee is planning a Community-wide Block Party on May 19, from 3 p.m. - 8 p.m. This will offer us the opportunity to reach out and meet our neighbors.

Our church offers many ways for us to communicate with each other and be informed.   Whatever is happening at Broadway can be found in our bulletins, our newsletter, our website, and through printed cards and flyers. I hope you will make it a point to be informed through these various outlets.

I close with a “did you know?” In 1870, in a lecture room of Walnut Street Baptist Church, a body of believers, 110 in number, committed themselves to be the Broadway Baptist Church of Louisville, Ky. On May 17, 2020, Broadway Baptist Church will celebrate 150 years. I thank God for her story in our community, in our world, and in the life of each of us.

Debby Griffin
Deacon Chair