From the Deacon Chair

Dear Friends,

I want to share with you the unique observation point that serving as a Deacon Chair has allowed me to have. I have concluded that church, our church, can be compared to both a busy ant colony and a finely tuned clock. 

Ant colonies have multiple members that cooperate to accomplish extraordinary feats. From my view, this is what I see on any given Sunday. Our Facilities Manager has the building open early, makes coffee, and sets up tables and condiments in the Atrium. Our pastors prepare for the ministries they perform, the sound system is checked, offering plates and worship folders are placed in their respective locations, individuals set up the pastries and snacks in the atrium, the communion team prepares the sacraments for communion, Sunday school teachers are in their respective classes throughout the church greeting the members of class, the hearing devices in the narthex are checked, the choir gathers for early rehearsal. Later, quietly and out of view, I find the Atrium being cleared, the tables being set up for the luncheon after service, the Burresses preparing our lunch, members and ministers leading us in worship while others are worshipping with and caring for our children. Multiple members cooperate to accomplish a very spiritual and beautiful service, a fellowship of love, a sharing of a meal, and an opportunity for dialogue. 

Ant colonies have multiple members that cooperate to accomplish extraordinary feats. From my view, this is what I see on any given week. Our sextons are checking equipment, cleaning the building, repairing countless miscellaneous devices or structures. There are multiple committee meetings occurring throughout the day and evening, people from our surrounding neighborhoods are using the building for many different activities and meetings, the bills are being paid, accounts are being balanced, phones are answered, bulletins are printed, cards are designed and printed for church members, people are coming in and out of the office. Our pastors are planning for their week, meeting with committees or members, going out to visit a member in the hospital or their home, checking on us if we have been ill, following up with people planning events. Volunteers proof the bulletin, stuff envelopes, print labels, check reservations and more. There are plans formed for various worship, fellowship, and service opportunities for our children, youth, and adults. The planning is ever changing and ongoing. Multiple members cooperate to accomplish the work of our church, the mission of our church, the outreach and in-reach of our church. 

A finely tuned clock has all hands moving to the correct time; The minute hand doesn't lose a beat, and the chimes can be heard on time, consistently throughout the day. Our pastors spend hours planning and evaluating each and every service to lead us in a worship service that brings us close to God in verse, song, and message - a service that speaks to our spirit, that lifts us and comforts us, that challenges us, and assures us. A service that is meant to bring glory to God and thanksgiving from us all for our many blessings. The smooth transitions throughout the service do not occur without the intentional planning of our pastors and their commitment to involve all of us in the service. Like a finely tuned clock, the hands move to the correct time and the chimes are heard on time. 

Our Deacon body is much like the ant colony. Each of us working for a common purpose: serving our church in the best way we can. The February Deacon meeting brought us to consider several things in the coming month. One proposal under consideration is the change to our office hours. The elimination of the Congregational Care Coordinator position has resulted in only Betsy Cherry, our Church Administrator and one volunteer being in the office on Fridays. All of the preliminary work for the worship service on Sunday and the events for the coming week have been completed by Thursday afternoon. Fridays are typically the slowest day. By slow, I mean as few as one phone call and one person at the door - the postman/lady. The volunteer leaves at 2 p.m., which means only Betsy remains in the office. James is in the building, of course, but not in the office. The proposal before the Deacons (supported by the Personnel Committee, pastoral staff, office staff, and volunteer coordinator) is to consider closing the Church Office on Fridays. Our pastors are always available by phone should one of us need to reach them, and finding office volunteers for four days a week instead of five will be much easier. I have asked the Deacons to be in discussion with you to hear your feedback on this proposal, answer questions you might have, and listen to any concerns you might have. I urge you to speak to one of us during the next month about this proposal. 

We also listened to a presentation from Charlie Baker regarding the security protocols that our Sextons, building committee, and pastors have in place. Our goal is to ensure that we are taking steps to prevent opportunities for any harm and yet remain the outgoing, welcoming body of Christ that is Broadway. 

Our Capital Campaign dollars continue to bring the much needed renovations laid out in the initial plan. The bathrooms just outside Friendship Hall will begin renovation in May. We will make every effort to assist our members and visitors to alternate bathroom locations during this time of renovation. Our Decorating Committee is actively involved in the selection of   materials that will be used.

The Deacon Building Team tasked with developing and revising the policy and fee schedule for building use has completed their initial draft and is now working with the staff and pastors to involve them in the process of making critical suggestions. They will be bringing their final proposal to the deacon meeting in March or April and to the church in the May business meeting. 

The Finance Committee will be reviewing an analysis of the giving trends for our church and will bring this analysis to the Deacon/Personnel Ad Hoc Committee as they continue their work to bring a proposed staffing model based on our budget to the Deacons in their March or April meeting, and subsequently, to the church body at the May Business Meeting. 

I hope you can understand why I am so amazed at all that goes on in our church. So many people, ministers, staff all working for the greater good. We all love our church. We are committed to being the hands and feet of Christ in our world. We want to continue to bring people to a place that offers hope, love, and friendship through worship and service. We are, in my opinion, both the ant colony and a finely tuned clock. Is there room for growth? Is there room for improvement? Is there room for change? Absolutely, always!! We are a people of faith, and so facing the future and whatever it may bring is something that we will do together with our hands in God's hand. Of that I am sure!

Debby Griffin
Deacon Chair