Missions Engagement

The Missions Committee has recently established a subcommittee to evaluate congregational engagement in mission activities, both locally and abroad. Having this information compiled will help us to encourage further involvement by connecting church members with needs in the community.

This information will also be helpful in informing our funding decisions, since hands-on involvement is an important part of that. There are three avenues the committee is utilizing to find out this information. There will be cards in the worship folder on August 6 to fill out and place in the offering plate. Second, take a few moments to complete our online web survey at www.broadwaybaptist.org/missions-engagement-survey. And finally, members of the sub-committee will be contacting each Sunday School teacher to schedule a few minutes with each class to get more personal feedback. Thanks for the many ways you are already sharing God's love in your every day actions, and thank you in advance for taking the time to share that information with us!

~Alix Davidson Keller