George Coleman

My story of faith begins at a young age.  I was raised Methodist and was very active in the youth group of St. Paul United Methodist Church.  Then, during my college years, I married Francie, who was Baptist.  When we graduated and moved to Louisville I told her that we needed to join a Methodist Church, and shortly thereafter we joined Broadway Baptist. 

Corporate worship is a big part of my story.  Maybe, even, why my story matters.  I need worship, and Broadway does worship well!  In a world that more and more focuses on oneself, I go to church to acknowledge a greater power than myself.  Just as I go to my health club to better my temporal physical body, I go to church to better my eternal spiritual body.

I also attend Sunday school where I love studying God’s word with other Christians on this thing called “journey of faith”.  I enjoy doing my part in serving on committees and teams of the church, and I often plug in to many of the missions/ministries that our church is involved in.  I have been ordained as a Deacon and take the obligations of that position seriously.  When people ask me about my church, I tongue in cheek tell them that Broadway is so moderate that even I can be a Deacon there.

My faith tells me that “my story” matters to God.  And, I hope that the results of my faith story positively impact the people that I encounter on a daily basis.  In the Lord’s Prayer, Christ tells us to pray for God’s kingdom to come.  And so, I humbly offer this prayer:  “Holy God, may Your Kingdom come….beginning with me”.