2015 Ministry Plan


For Jesus, and for Broadway, Every Story Matters.  As followers of Jesus we are called to hear the stories of others, we are called to share our own stories, and we are called to learn together God’s story, the story of our shared faith.

This Ministry Plan will do two things: 1. On the surface, it will tell the story of Broadway’s ministries in terms of plans, progress, and challenges.  2. But at a deeper level, it will tell the story of God’s relationship with Broadway.  

Here are the components of the plan you will find below:  

  • How we did in 2014?
  • An overview of 2015 Plans for Missions and Outreach
  • Information about specific Generosity Opportunities
  • Worship & Music, Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, and our Ministry of Discipleship and Spiritual Formation 
  • Information about how we invest your gifts in ministry, and a target budget for 2014

How did we do in 2014?

  • We continued to strengthen the relationship between Broadway and its young adults by establishing a new Sunday School class comprised primarily of young adults without children.  In early 2015 we ordained three young adults as deacons, in addition to two ordained last year.  Young leaders are stepping up and older leaders are embracing this.
  • Our small group ministry began experimenting with in-home groups, and added new components on Wednesday nights and over the summer.
  • We increased our attendance in all our choirs (adults, youth, and children).

  • We cleared a large backlog of accounting issues, implemented new financial software, and added a part-time position to help maintain our improved accounting practices.

  • We contributed over $100,000 to missions causes in our community, nation, and world.

How did we do against our 2014 goals? 

In our 2014 Ministry Plan, here is where we said we would focus: 

Measures of Success

Numbers don’t tell all, but they are helpful indicators.  Here are some vital statistics.


2011:     288

2012:     296

2013:     263

Sunday School

2011:     199

2012:     199 

2013:     176

Annual Gifts to Ministry

2011: $979,000

2012: $1,050,000

2013: $1,125,000

The numbers are obviously good news and bad news.  The drop in attendance is troubling.  The drop is due primarily to older members who are passing away or reaching a point at which they are not able to be here on Sunday.  The same was true in prior years, when our attendance  remained stable.  But our addition of members this year has not, unlike most previous years, kept pace with our losses.

Our level of generosity is, on the other hand, very encouraging.  Our giving has increased 15% over the past two years. This speaks to the enthusiasm within Broadway for the ministry that is going on, and we should celebrate the generosity being lived out among us!  

It is a reality, however, that giving cannot and will not continue to increase if attendance continues declining.  With that at least partially in mind, we move now to the vital issue of Outreach.

Our 2014 Plans for Outreach

Not long ago, we made our “front door” more welcoming by renovating our main entrance.  But there is a “front door” leading to our “front door”--our website.  Almost every person who visits Broadway and who is looking for a church home visits our website first.  It is crucial to outreach, and here is what we are doing.

We just launched our new website, and over the next few months we will be filling holes and bringing the whole site up to speed.  Ultimately this will include:

  • A video introduction to the church by the pastor UPDATE: Video introduction is in place.
  • A members section where, among other things, you can download a pictorial directory and check your giving statement. UPDATE: We have completed photos for new pictorial directory and are awaiting delivery.  The members section is in place but we do not yet have a portal allowing members to check their giving record.
  • Articles that are automatically tied to our electronic newsletter UPDATE: The articles in our monthly newsletter now automatically roll over to appear on the website as well.
  • The option to make donations online  UPDATE: Not yet done.

In addition to our new website, we have developed a new logo and tagline so that our communications will have a more uniform appearance that conveys who we are.  Our new logo is based on our sanctuary windows.  We feel it conveys both the warmth and the tradition that are hallmarks of Broadway.  The tagline, "Every Story Matters", celebrates: 

  • Broadway’s commitment not to demand conformity
  • Broadway’s personal care for people
  • Broadway’s desire to get to welcome and get to know new people
  • Broadway’s mission to tell not just our stories, but God’s story

All these efforts are aimed at encouraging people to visit.  But once someone visits, we have to be effective at following up with them.  We are also making changes in this area:

  • Because a low percentage of first-time guests have been giving us contact information, we are passing the Friendship Folder later in the service.  We hope this will give our guests a few minutes to get to know us before having to decide whether to give us their contact information.  UPDATE: We have revamped our Friendship Folder form in an effort to gain information from both guests and regular worshipers.
  • We are dropping the use of cards to be filled out, because guests were using the Friendship Folder and not the cards.
  • Volunteers are collecting the Friendship Folder pages each Sunday after worship and placing them on the front pew, so that the pastor can pick them up and call guests on Sunday afternoon.  UPDATE: We have been maintaining this practice weekly.

Our overall goals for Outreach:

  • We will complete the roll-out of the new website, including the items noted above.  ACCOMPLISHED
  • We will bring a uniform look to our communication, including letterhead, business cards, emails, newsletter, and website. ACCOMPLISHED
  • In keeping with Every Story Matters, we will collect 100 faith stories from within Broadway so that those considering Broadway can understand the difference faith and our church make in our lives. UPDATE: We now have in place a volunteer team working with the pastor on the collection of these stories.  Our plan is release five per month, beginning in the November newsletter.  Plans also are in place to archive these on the website.
  • The pastor will follow up with first-time guests on the Sunday afternoon when they visit.  UPDATE: We have been maintaining this practice weekly.
  • A minister will be present every Sunday after worship at the Information Area in the foyer.  UPDATE: We have been maintaining this practice weekly.
  • We will receive contact information from 100 guests.  UPDATE: As of September 18, we have received contact information from 51 guests who we believe are in search of a church home.
  • Our deacons will focus on outreach and sharing our stories at their annual retreat.  ACCOMPLISHED
  • UPDATE ON ITEM NOT IN PLAN: Realizing our need for more effort on outreach, we have included coordination of our Outreach efforts in the job description for our new Associate Pastor with Children and Families.  Abilities in this area were a prerequisite for hiring.


Broadway tithes.  Broadway gives away 10% of every gift to causes beyond Broadway.  Not counting our Local Benevolence offerings of $23,000 in 2013, this meant we contributed over $112,000 to causes outside Broadway.

Here is where those gifts are going in 2014 (Note that each percentage point equals just over $1,000.): 


Gifts Allocated from Discretionary Missions Line Item
$2,756.49      Support for Rev. Ed Jordan and Family
$   646.46      West End School Meals
$5,000.00     CBF Field Personnel Annette Ellard & Steve Clark

There is also a portion of your gifts we set aside for “Hands-On Funding,” which funds only ministries in which our people are personally investing time.  In 2013, these included: 

Hands-On Funding

$5,000.00      KBF Missions
$1,227.05        Service in September
$   705.26       Chenoweth Fish pond pump
$8,000.00      Americana Grant
$     81.62        Samaritan's Patrol
$4,750.00       Choice's Salary Support
$   355.61        West End School Meals
$2,500.00       Waterstep Panama Donation

Our Missions Goals for 2014:

  • To strengthen communication between our Signature Partners (that receive financial support as well as year-round involvement from Broadway members) and the Congregation by having one representative visit and report from each partner either during the Minute for Ministry or on a Wednesday evening. UPDATE: We have had some of our partners make these reports.
  • To strengthen communication between the Signature Partners and the Missions Committee by implementing a quarterly report that will be provided by the agency in response to the funds received.  UPDATE: We have been increasing communication and accountability with partners.
  • To increase participation in Service in September to 75 church members.  UPDATE: We had 70 in attendance, which is short of our goal but our highest ever attendance.
  • To create a database of projects done by small groups and classes so this information can be shared with the larger congregation.


First, hear the good news about last year’s Generosity Opportunities:

In 2013, an individual accepted the challenge of funding the repair of our cove lighting in the sanctuary at a cost of $5,000.  Every Sunday, that gift adds a bit of brightness to worship.

Thanks to another gift of $5,000, we recently replaced our outdated church financial and database software.  Over the next several years, this gift will pay for itself many times over in reduced administrative costs.

Generosity Opportunities for 2014: 

Add video monitors at church entry points to improve communication.  These will provide an electronic listing of church news, activities, and events.  The cost of this advance, including supporting software and equipment, is $5,000.  These are not for the sanctuary!  UPDATE: Not yet funded.

Walking Path: A Facilities Usage Team formed by the deacons last year brought a recommendation that we try to create a walking path around the perimeter of the property.  The estimated cost of this path is $12,000. An anonymous donor is considering a $6,000 gift if another donor can be found to contribute the other half of the cost.  UPDATE: This project is still pending.

Recreational Equipment: The Family Life Center is in need of a new Ping-Pong table and Foosball Table ($1,500) .  UPDATE: This equipment was purchased thanks to gits given in memory of Carolyn Dooley.

Planned Giving

You can also assure your contribution to Broadway’s ministries lives on through planned gifts.  In 2013 Broadway received the largest planned gift in her history from the estate of Wally and Vee Hughes.

Vee Hughes

For almost thirty years, Vee quietly took her seat just about every Sunday in her favorite pew along the west wall of the sanctuary.  Many people did not know Vee, but those who did appreciated her warm British accent and her quick wit.  Many years ago, when Ron Higdon was pastor, Vee and her husband, Wally, decided to support Broadway after their deaths.  They never told anyone about this, just quietly made their plans.  A few months after Vee’s death in 2013, we received word that they had made a gift to the Community Foundation of Louisville sufficient to fund a permanent annual gift of $22,000 to Broadway.  While it is only an estimate, typically a gift of over $400,000 is required to sustain such an annual gift.

Vee no longer takes her place in her pew, but her presence and her legacy will live on in the ministry of the church she loved.  With thankfulness for quiet faithfulness, we celebrate this gift by Wally and Vee Hughes.

Planned Giving 

If you would like to make a Personal Commitment to Broadway's Ministries please view our information HERE. 

If you would like to discuss a planned gift, you may speak with Chris Caldwell or Walter Jones, our Deacon Chair for this year.

Part 2 - Ministry Plan 2014 

-Chris Caldwell

In last week’s Part One we looked at the big picture, as well as more specific information about Missions and Outreach. This week, in Part Two, we offer an overview of how we use your gifts, more information about our other areas of ministry, and a target budget.

How do we come up with the chart?
In each of the four areas, the investments in that area reflect:
Resources: How much do we invest in this area of ministry for materials, supplies,  expenses?
Leadership: How much do we invest in ministerial leadership in this area?
Facilities: How much of the cost of our facilities supports this area?

To calculate our facilities is a bit trickier. How do we calculate using the buildings in ministry? We invest around $165,000 a year in our buildings. We divide the facilities into three uses:

Worship and Music (Sanctuary, Chapel, Music Ministry space)
Discipleship (Educational space for all ages)
Outreach & Communications (Family Life Center, Foyer and Atrium, Offices).

Based, then, on the percentage of our building’s space used for each of these areas, we divide up and allocate the $165,000 into Worship & Music, Discipleship, and Outreach & Communications.

Ministry of Music and Worship 

As we continue to share the story of Christ and the church, the music ministry will remind us that the Christian story is not just a story.  It is a story of worship, discipleship, and collaboration.  Therefore, the worship at Broadway will continue to celebrate the arts and call us to worship our creator and proclaim Jesus Christ crucified and risen.  Likewise, we will craft the music, worship themes, and church year events in ways that inspire us as we share the many facets of the Christian story.   Perhaps the greatest impact of storytelling is seen in the rich heritage of our hymnody.  Congregational singing is a collaboration of the past, present and future.   When we sing these stories, we become a part of the inspired followers of Christ for centuries, not only here at Broadway, but all over the world.  Let us raise our hearts, minds and voices by singing, hearing, and living out the life of faith through the gift of song.

In 2014, we hope to build upon some new traditions, such as; the courtyard concert series, creative arts camp, and the Jubilate Youth choir tour.  We will continue to seek to increase participation in all the choirs and hope to offer more community/church-wide events; such as a hymn sing and/or a favorite anthem concert.  In addition, creative elements within the context of our traditional worship service will continue to be a focus point, not only during the Advent and Lenten seasons, but whenever possible.

Ministry to Children and Families  

In recent years Broadway’s Ministry to Families has gone through a lot of changes and experienced a good deal of growth. In 2013 our goal was to work to find better forms of communication with each family that enters our doors. In order to build a stronger connection, Broadway’s children’s ministry added new weekly ministry opportunities for families. The children’s ministry hosted parent meetings, and evaluated activities through surveys and personal conversation to build new avenues of communication. We have also set up new communication stations for parents to gather information about Broadway’s programs and activities.

In 2014 Broadway’s plan is to continue to minister to families through the new small group and choral opportunities. During the week, families currently have 4.5 hours of different spiritual formation options. The children’s ministry desire is to see families use the times that work within their schedule to deepen their relationship with Christ and their church family.

We are also going to further strengthen forms of communication by using the information obtained during last year’s meetings and surveys and implement them throughout the ministry. One of these changes will be in the organization of meetings. Another will be through the parent stations throughout the building. 

Ministry with Youth 

Youth programs at Broadway (grades 6-12) focus on three main things throughout our weekly and yearly activities. They are:

• Engaging Scripture

• Ensuring faith is relevant to our lives

• Expressing our God-given gifts through meaningful service in our congregation and community.

Ministry of Discipleship and Spiritual Formation

The Spiritual Formation Ministry of Broadway Baptist Church seeks to form people into the image of Christ that they may better minister to and serve others. Our hope is to be a place where we can be fed through a combination of Bible study, prayer, shared worship, ministry to others, small group studies and fellowship. We hope to encourage and grow in time spent in worship and Sunday School as well as to challenge each other to grow beyond these two hours each week. 

A Word about Our Facilities

Our facilities are one of our great assets in ministry.  Over the past few years we have increased the number of non-profit groups using our facilities.  A partial list includes:

  • The Kentucky Baptist Fellowship (offices located at Broadway)
  • Leslie Townsend’s counseling practice (office located at Broadway)
  • Recreational groups
    • Upward Basketball and Cheerleading
    • Yoga
    • St. Francis School Basketball team
    • Three informal basketball groups
  • Norton Hospital Christmas gift distribution
  • Annual Banquets
    • Habitat for Humanity
    • Wayne Oates Institute
  • Recitals in Chapel
  • Kentucky Music Educators summer meeting
  • Hosting the 2014 Kentucky Baptist Fellowship Spring Gathering
  • Housing Passport youth groups, which includes around 300 youth per summer
  • Hosting College Choirs 

As a round number, our facilities expenses run around $160,000 a year.  In addition, this year we expect to incur around $60,000 in capital repairs, and next year we expect to incur around $20,000.  While we have some “rainy day” resources to help cover this cost, we will likely have to increase the capital repairs line item in the budget.

Target Budget

Here is how we would like to utilize your gifts in 2014.  Once we have received the results of our Personal Commitments (Pledges), the Finance Committee will use this target budget as a guide in creating an actual budget to present to the church.  If we achieve the approximate 6% increase we are hoping for in commitments, then this target budget will be updated into a more detailed form.  If we come up short, the Finance Committee will present to the church a plan with some elements eliminated.  

How can you be a part of what God is doing at Broadway?

  • Pray.  Pray that God’s Spirit will lead us and challenge us to follow faithfully and creatively.
  • Invest time and talent.  Give the gift of your time and your ability as we follow God together.  
  • Give. Yes, money makes a difference.  Our target budget will require an approximate 6% increase to execute the plans we have for the coming year.

To make your Personal Commitment (Pledge) you can fill out the form HERE or they will also be located in the foyer, atrium, or outside the church office.  

Below you will find links to the detailed plans of all our main areas, as well as brief testimonials from members on each ministry.